wtorek, 3 maja 2016

WHY broken tale I

Little woman forever

Little woman comes into this world
  She receives heart,   power  and    role             she’s alone
She is in the place but she does not hold it  
        She open herself     she is ready
She goes into the world
Her tale is about to begin      she knows that  and she agree

 First threshold: her power       it’s not strong enough          she loses it
 She’s afraid now         what will happened      how she will manage without

Nature comfort her lost  she forgets for awhile

Second threshold: her role      it’s not developed yet                she’s not certain about it  
                                                                                                                                          and give it away

she feel odd   sad      but  she didn’t know her role yet      but again she is looking inside herself : what could it been    when      was it something I need or not

Nature show her its mystery      she forgets about  everything       the place calls her       and holds her now
 And she loses her heart  this last her belonging is the end and the beginning-  she can not go further
  She needs to find her heart      so she’s all searching now

Her tale stops in this place and it waits for her          can not go further
     She doesn’t know that
Her tale breaks in this places

 She loses her power    but she still has her role to play and her heart to give
She’s comforted by Nature she knows very little about her role   and she gives it away
 But still she has her heart
The Nature reveals to her its mystery                     her heart drown down
She stares at the mystery       tries to find the heart   
She is in trap now       the place holds her

She lost her power, role and heart     and she  can not go further             her tale can not go further
  The tale breaks

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