wtorek, 16 sierpnia 2016


Broken seasons

She‘s a summer girl     bright   warm  young      ready for next stage
  She goes into the world between summer and autumn

She’s supposed to be a woman, wife and mother
 To protect those notions the received crown, dress and  heart shaped necklace

With her guardian     who might be her ratio, wild power       a shaman  guide
 She goes into a way to complete her life trip
                                                                                      To become a woman
                                                                                                 A wife      and   a mother

Throughout   the  Autumn into  Winter    and after that to the  Spring

Together they step into the sacred space- he knows it,  she doesn’t
    They run out with Autumn
        Before the Winter
                                                                 He knows the rules, she doesn’t

    This is new world for her, she wants to discover it, knows it

She’s supposed to be a woman, wife and mother

Her guardian wants to secure the way for her  but she doesn’t  obey him
 Different reasons    doesn’t work

She lost her crown, dress and heart shaped necklace

She cannot pass, she will stay forever in this sacred space, she will not see the Winter
The Winter won’t come for her
There won’t be Spring again

She cannot leave
She doesn’t have required  attributes that could protect her, help her to get out, disenchant the bond
She won’t be a woman, nor wife or mother
Winter will no longer be her concern,
 Spring will not come for her    forever she will be closed in the Autumn in preparation- that leads nowhere

She will stays between August and September on the bank of deep, cold water, forest tarn

wtorek, 3 maja 2016

WHY broken tale I

Little woman forever

Little woman comes into this world
  She receives heart,   power  and    role             she’s alone
She is in the place but she does not hold it  
        She open herself     she is ready
She goes into the world
Her tale is about to begin      she knows that  and she agree

 First threshold: her power       it’s not strong enough          she loses it
 She’s afraid now         what will happened      how she will manage without

Nature comfort her lost  she forgets for awhile

Second threshold: her role      it’s not developed yet                she’s not certain about it  
                                                                                                                                          and give it away

she feel odd   sad      but  she didn’t know her role yet      but again she is looking inside herself : what could it been    when      was it something I need or not

Nature show her its mystery      she forgets about  everything       the place calls her       and holds her now
 And she loses her heart  this last her belonging is the end and the beginning-  she can not go further
  She needs to find her heart      so she’s all searching now

Her tale stops in this place and it waits for her          can not go further
     She doesn’t know that
Her tale breaks in this places

 She loses her power    but she still has her role to play and her heart to give
She’s comforted by Nature she knows very little about her role   and she gives it away
 But still she has her heart
The Nature reveals to her its mystery                     her heart drown down
She stares at the mystery       tries to find the heart   
She is in trap now       the place holds her

She lost her power, role and heart     and she  can not go further             her tale can not go further
  The tale breaks

wtorek, 19 kwietnia 2016


  IT's simply how the dream come true.
First was a dream- to show forest, to create atmospheric place full of trees and full of creatures
I suppose we- myself and Pawel- were carrying this dream for some time
 and the opportunity came pretty fast - we spent over week in Annaghmakerrig  on Artist Recidence among trees, lakes and monster out of soil, roots and grass
that time we only knew that  material what we have gathered we will use- not now  but we will
.... and we did.
But that was just a first step to animation

first story board/ miniatures on paper

bigger works on paper/ Irish forest
selection part

small and big size art works started to create slowly world of "Broken Tale" 

czwartek, 7 stycznia 2016

BROKeN TALE almost ready

Our project http://brokentale.jimdo.com/
after more then 2 years work is coming to be real
  this Spring 2016

miniature by Pawel Kleszczewski

forest awaits!